Benefits of Breastfeeding to New Mother and Newborn Baby


The sheer beauty and joy of motherhood can never be overstated. Every mother will agree that nursing and caring for her little one is an incredibly wonderful experience. As a new mom, you have to make many decisions, the most important of which is choosing the right kind of nutrition for your baby.

Pediatricians all over the world agree that breastfeeding is the best way to nurture a newborn baby. Breast milk has countless benefits and provides all the nutrition that a baby needs in the first six to twelve months of life. Moreover, breastfeeding also has many positive impacts on the health of nursing mothers.

August is the Breastfeeding Awareness Month. During that month our team focuses not just on breastfeeding products but also on the reasons why it’s important to breastfeed.

Why is breastfeeding important for babies?

1) The nutrients contained in breast milk provide complete nourishment. Breast milk contains anti-bodies that strengthen the baby’s immune system. Breast milk also contains anti-allergens that protect the baby from the development of all sorts of allergies.

2) Studies have shown that breastfed children have higher IQ than ones who have been fed cow milk, soy milk or formula.

3) The anti-bacterial nature of breast milk is good for the baby’s intestines and digestive system.

4) Breastfeeding protects the baby from childhood obesity and all sorts of infections.

5) According to latest reports, it also reduces the risk of various life threatening diseases such as meningitis, respiratory illnesses and even certain childhood cancers.

Why is breastfeeding important for nursing mothers?

1) It is the simplest, cheapest, as well as most nutritious way of feeding the baby.

2) Breastfeeding assists in postpartum weight loss.

3) The skin-to-skin contact allows mother and child to connect and have a close emotional bond.

4) It reduces the risk of osteoporosis, post menopausal breast cancer, ovarian cancer, and even urinary tract infection.

5) Breastfeeding also has many psychological benefits. Studies have shown that mothers who breastfeed their babies are more confident, as well as mentally and emotionally stable.

At you will find wide collection of essential breastfeeding products, ranging from nursing pads to nipple balms - SHOP NOW.

You can also Download or Print-Out our Breastfeeding Checklist.

Happy Breastfeeding!

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